If we want learn to play guitar, the first thing we have to do is to know the instrument, the components and their mission. So come on.
Bridge: This is the element tha support the strings and allows them to transmit the vibrations when they are pulsed.
Strings: This is the guitar´s elements that produce the sound when they are pulsed. Classic guitars and acoustic guitars use diferent kinds of strings. First ones use nylon strings and second ones metalic strings. It´s very important not to use metalic strings in a clasic guitar because it would be broken because of the tension.
Hole and sounding board: Strings´vibrations produce waves which are introduced into de soounding board by the hole and they are amplified inside.
Frets: Frets are the places where a guitarrist has to pulse with his left hand´s fingers in order to pruduce the differents musical notes. Fret and string combination pruduce a specific sound.
Must: Is the zone where frets are situated.
Nut: It´s the must ending. It mission is to elevate the strings in order not to be in contact whit must. Nut have several cleavages. Strings must be inside this cleavages because if they aren´t inside, they´ll move and the guitar couldn´t be played.
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